
Name: Allec Ribeiro.
Age: 21 years old.
Birthday: 08/06/1991.
Bio: I like videogames and old anime.


Click here to see all old posts, sorted by month (but in a single page), and maybe a little more.


My Backloggery
Konoha Cosplay
Poring Pelters
Smash Bros. DOJO!


Dead Like Me
Angevon's Fantasy Life



(This is an old post, from the old version of this blog. I did not update it in any way.)

I play a lot of games, but I rarely ever finish them. Well, I'm trying to change that.

Games can cost a lot here, so I pirate. I usually enjoy mediocre games, too, which is probably because I'm not paying for them.

That said, I don't always finish those games.

I like short games. I don't like games where you have to collect tons of shit, barring a few rare exceptions (Batman: Arkham Asylum springs to mind), nor games where you have a lot of pointless challenges. Sometimes, I just get tired of the games I'm playing, and by the time I'm not tired anymore, I've forgotten about them already. I might keep trying if the game is really good — and I will keep trying if I bought it. I mean, where I live a game can cost about $200!

Anyway, all of this means my backlog is enourmous, and thus I was really happy when I found out the Backloggery. You basically keep track of the games you are playing through a Twitter-like interface, putting status updates and defining if you have beaten or completed the games.

My backlog is still a bit big, but at least I can check it when I'm bored. There are also a lot of nice people in there, and once a week they host a stream at justin.tv. Right now, registration is closed, but soon something akin to a invite system wil be made.

Current games:

(PSP) Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep: Must stop playing that board game.
(Saturn) Guardian Heroes: Now playing with Serena.
(PS) Final Fantasy Tactics: Making an LP is certainly harder than I thought.
(PC) Discworld Noir: The dialogue in this game is fantastic.
(PC) Discworld: Act I finished, starting Act II. Fabulous game.


Por Allec Ribeiro às [7:52 PM]