
Name: Allec Ribeiro.
Age: 21 years old.
Birthday: 08/06/1991.
Bio: I like videogames and old anime.


Click here to see all old posts, sorted by month (but in a single page), and maybe a little more.


My Backloggery
Konoha Cosplay
Poring Pelters
Smash Bros. DOJO!


Dead Like Me
Angevon's Fantasy Life



(This is an old post, from the old version of this blog. I did not update it in any way.)

Some games are more likely to be criticized than others. Some games are more likely to be defended than others. It works this way for pretty much everything, but is especially prominent here in the internet, because pretty much all we do is discuss.

As some of you probably know, I used to visit 4chan quite often. The /v/ideogames board, despite all the trolling and ocasional non-vidya related discussion, was probably the best place in the internet to discuss games — or at least, it seemed to be at the time. GameFAQs is full of demented people trying to imitate 4chan; that is, pretending they are anonymous but they really are not and thus it all sounds way worse. NeoGAF is nice, but whoever controls the board is a spawn of Hitler and I don't deal well with rules and fear of banishment. I could go on, but that would bore you, so instead have this nice picture of two pandas:

You might have noticed: I used to visit 4chan quite often. Not so much nowadays, because I have found the Backloggery. At first I only used it for recording purposes, but now I think am part of the community; they are quite nice.

But it was because of a comment last week that I started this blog post: someone criticized Ocarina of Time. I know, I know, shocking.

Actually, I wasn't even a little bit offended by the criticism (although it didn't make much sense to me and the person refused to acknowledge how much the game influenced what came afterwards), but it made me think. This same person mentioned later, as a joke, that you simply could not criticize some games without a fuss being raised, and I agree. I do know why, though: criticism to beloved games won't just be swallowed — you need to tell exactly why you are doing it to allow room for discussion instead of trolling. Which this person obviously didn't do.

It might seem a bit obvious, but be honest here, did you ever politely point out the flaws of an overrated game, instead of insulting it because it is overrated?

I've covered flamewars, you know.


Por Allec Ribeiro às [8:29 AM]