
Name: Allec Ribeiro.
Age: 21 years old.
Birthday: 08/06/1991.
Bio: I like videogames and old anime.


Click here to see all old posts, sorted by month (but in a single page), and maybe a little more.


My Backloggery
Konoha Cosplay
Poring Pelters
Smash Bros. DOJO!


Dead Like Me
Angevon's Fantasy Life



(This is an old post, from the old version of this blog. I did not update it in any way.)

Yesterday, a kind /v/irgin posted the entire written material that comes with the special edition of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, something I was looking forward to for a while now. Such edition comes with a so-called erotica comic (really just a prequel manga with a Bizarre Jelly 5 bonus), which my dear friend Mesarthim translated by my request. Download it here.

Both the /v/irgin and Mesarthim should be thanked until your mouth is no more.


Por Allec Ribeiro às [6:46 PM]