
Name: Allec Ribeiro.
Age: 21 years old.
Birthday: 08/06/1991.
Bio: I like videogames and old anime.


Click here to see all old posts, sorted by month (but in a single page), and maybe a little more.


My Backloggery
Konoha Cosplay
Poring Pelters
Smash Bros. DOJO!


Dead Like Me
Angevon's Fantasy Life



[08/06/10] I have this friend who is an atheist.

[09/07/10] In which I review Metroid: Other M.
[09/07/10] Guardian Heroes is awesome.
[09/08/10] The things I do for love!
[09/09/10] I play a lot of games...
[09/12/10] My thoughts on Kingdom Hearts.
[09/12/10] Philistine!

[10/14/10] Prologues in gaming.
[10/14/10] Prologues, how do they work?
[10/27/10] Why I hated Tales of the Abyss.
[10/30/10] Criticism.
[10/31/10] No More Loser.

[09/07/12] Hitoshura is seriously hot!
[09/11/12] Bravado.

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Por Allec Ribeiro às [9:27 PM]